Directed by Virginia Reh, and featuring accompanist Brahm Goldhamer, Her Voice in Black is an honours thesis performance by Carla Chambers that takes the listener on a musical journey celebrating the narratives of Opera’s fascinating black women characters. The concert is 45 minutes and consists of selections from operatic repertoire exploring intersections between the social and personal meanings of identity and representation in art.
With art direction by Visual Artist Bob Chaylt Jeffreys, the concert features selections from Porgy & Bess, by George Gershwin, Aida, by Giuseppe Verdi, Treemonisha, by Scott Joplin, & When I Crossed That Line to Freedom: Songs of Harriet Tubman By Nkeiru Okoye.
Sunday, November 29th 2015, 3pm
Dramatic Arts Theatre,
Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts,
15 Artists’ Common, St. Catharines
Free community event!
Donations accepted to support the Niagara Symphony Summer Camp Bursary.